Tag Archives: coach

11-23 wrestling practice

there wasn’t supposed to be practice today because it’s a holiday weekend and a half day, not moratorium yet, but coach tanner didn’t think people would come today. but anyways, coach mark called me and we met at the school and wrestled for about two hours.

we went over front headlock defense – because of what happened last night. we also went over high single finishes, low single finishes, ankle picks, and then on top he really stressed staying behind the arms, covering an ankle and then if someone short sits on you and keeps their elbow in and palm up, instead of coming over top of the arms, to just c grip the back of his elbow and push it so you can get to a two on one. on bottom we worked palm up, elbow in when you are in a short sit position.

i learn so much when i work with coach mark. he taught me some shadow drills, like a level change drill with a reach and then you squat back up. helps with leg strength and makes your stance and level change better, you could do it with a partner if you had one. good practice. even though it was only me and coach mark, oh well, while everyone else is eating and hanging out with friends i’m doing the things they aren’t willing to do and getting better.


Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about something one of my coaches, Coach Mark, said.

“We’re going to take people out into the deep water, and they get scared and can’t swim, and then they drown”

He means taking them into the third period and dominating them. Being in better shape then them and just keep pecking away until they break, or “drown.” I think this is a great philosophy and it makes me push myself harder in practice. If I get tired when we are running or conditioning I ask myself how I’m going to drown people if I can barely keep afloat myself. If I can keep this mentality, I know it will push me far. Look at what it did for Iowa. They believe in their conditioning and they’ll take anyone they don’t break before the third period into the deep water and drown them. Just absolutely dominate them. That’s what I want. I want to dominate everyone.

My goals for tomorrow are:

  1. Beat everyone in conditioning
  2. Improve stance and motion
  3. Work on low single set up and cheap tilt from tight waist chop.